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2019年01月10日 17:40  点击:[]

SCI/EI  22

1. Ying Xi, Yizhi Song, David M. Johnson, et al. Se enhanced phytoremediation of diesel in soil by Trifolium repens[J]. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 2018, 154: 137-144. (IF= 3.974)  

2. Yuan X , Huang Y P , Cai L, et al. Zhou. Physiological responses to swimming fatigue in juvenile largemouth bronze gudgeon Coreius guichenoti[J]. Journal of Fish Biology, 2018, 92(4): 1192-1197. (IF= 1.702)  

3. Li Meng, Wang Shaoxia, Tian Xiaohong, et al. Improving nutritional quality of wheat grain through foliar Zinc combined with Macronutrients[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2018, 110: 38-46. (IF= 1.897)  

4. Shi Xiaotao, Jin Zhijun, Liu Yan, et al. Can age-0 Silver carp cross laboratory waterfalls by leaping[J]. Limnologica, 2018, 69: 67-71 (IF=1.814)

5. Wang J, Chapman D, Xu J, Wang Y, et al. Isotope niche dimension and trophic overlap between bigheaded carps and native filter-feeding fish in the lower Missouri River, USA[J]. PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(5): e0197584. (IF=2.766)

6. Xia D, Zhao B, Liu D, et al. Effect of soil moisture on soil disintegration characteristics of different weathering profiles of collapsing gully in the hilly granitic region, South China[J]. PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(12): e0209427. (IF=2.766)

7. Tan Junjun, Tao Lin, Gao Zhu, et al. Modeling Fish Movement Trajectories in Relation to Hydraulic Response Relationships in an Experimental fishway[J]. Water, 10(11):1511-1527. (IF= 2.069)

8. Li Ruiping, Ren Huijun, M Wanhong, et al. Synthesis of BiOBr microspheres with ethanol as self-template and solvent with controllable morphology and photocatalytic activity[J]. Catalysis Communications, 2018, 106: 1-5. (IF= 3.463)

9. Wang, C., M. Wang, et al. Thalli Growth, Propagule Survival, and Integrated Physiological Response to Nitrogen Stress of Ramalina calicaris var. japonica in Shennongjia Mountain (China) [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 568. (IF= 3.677)

10. Ying Xi, Yizhi Song, Huigang Liu, et al. Selenium enhanced degradation of diesel by Erigeron annuus[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2018, 18(5):1906-1914. (IF= 2.627)

11. Hong Shaoming, Rena Huijun, Fang Yanfeng, et al. Template-free solvothermal synthesis of flower-like BiOBr microspheres in Ethanol medium for photocatalytic applications[J]. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2018, 92(5): 982-989. (IF= 0.549)

12. Guo Yong Liu, Xiao Tao Shi, et al. The effect of aerobic exercise training on growth performance, innate immune response and disease resistance in juvenile Schizothorax prenanti[J]. Aquaculture. 2018. 486:18-25. (IF=2.710)

13. Chen Fangqing, Liu Kunhui, Xie Zongqiang, et al. Effects of decomposing leaf litter of Leucaena leucocephala on photosynthetic traits of Cynodon dactylon and Medicago sativa[J]. New Forests, 2018, 49(5):667-679. (IF= 2.664)

14. Gu Xiaolian, Zhao feng, Zhuang ping, et al. The effect of water velocity on feeding efficiency of juvenile Chinese sturgeon, acipenser sinensis[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2018. 34: 29-32. (IF=0.774)3

15. Fang Y, Zhou A, Yang W, et al. Complex formation via hydrogen bonding between rhodamine b and montmorillonite in aqueous solution[J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 1-10. (IF= 4.122)

16. Lei Pan, Ziyan Peng, Dongguo Shao, et al. Length‐weight relationships of four fish species from the Yellow River, China[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2018, 34(4): 1094-1096. (IF=0.774)

17. 金志军, 马卫忠, 张袁宁, 等. 异齿裂腹鱼通过鱼道内流速障碍能力及行为[J]. 水利学报. 2018. (4)49:512-522.

18. Yang Yueshu, Xu Wennian, Liu Daxiang, et al. Evaluation and Eco-regulation of Eco-restoration Engineering on Slopes of Hydropower Projects [J]. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2018, 17(1): 131-138.

19. 苏青青, 刘德富, 纪道斌, 等. 蓄水期三峡水库香溪河沉积物-水系统营养盐分布特征[J]. 环境科学, 2018,39(05): 2135-2144.

20. 苏青青, 刘德富, 刘绿波, 等. 三峡水库蓄水期支流水体营养盐来源估算[J]. 中国环境科学, 2018,38(10): 3925-3932.

21. Zhao Bingqin, Xia Lu, Xia Dong, et al. Effect of the cement content in vegetation concrete on soil physiochemical properties, enzyme activities and microbial biomass[J]. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2018,17(4):1065-1075.

22. 班璇, 高欣, PANAYIOTIS Diplas, 等. 中华鲟产卵栖息地的三维水力因子适宜性分析[J]. 水科学进展. 2018. (1)29:80-88.

核心/CSCD  16

1. 许家炜, 陈静, 林晨宇, 等. 齐口裂腹鱼在低照度下的趋光行为. 生态学杂志. 2018. 37(8): 2394-2402.

2. 徐建霞, 王建柱. 三峡库区香溪河消落带植被群落特征与土壤环境相关性[J].生态学杂志, 2018, 37(12): 3661-3669.

3. 李志敏,陈明曦,金志军, 等. 叶尔羌河厚唇裂腹鱼的游泳能力[J]. 生态学杂志, 2018, 37:1897-1902.

4. 李敏讷, 朱海峰, 金志军, 等. 加速流对鲢,鳙幼鱼下行过程中游泳行为的影响[J]. 水生生物学报. 2018, 42(3): 571-577.

5. 颜鹏东, 谭均军, 高柱, 等. 基于视频跟踪的竖缝式鱼道内鱼类运动行为分析[J]. 水生生物学报, 2018, 42(2): 250-254.

6. 胡佳明, 杨萌, 熊如意, 等. 钛白石膏改性处理与光催化降解酸性桃红研究[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2018, 41(06): 76-80.

7. 徐勐, 袁喜, 靖锦杰, 等. 水体铅暴露下草鱼幼鱼游泳行为和代谢响应[J]. 生态学杂志, 2018, 37(05): 1426-1431.

8. 刘琦, 夏振尧, 饶云康, 等. 亚热带区域高陡路堑岩质边坡绿化植物的选择和配置——以宜昌市峡州大道一期快速道为例[J]. 公路交通科技, 2018, 35(09): 137-145.

9. 宋宜枝, 刘慧刚, 席颖, 等. 外源硒对菲胁迫下苍耳光合荧光特性的影响[J]. 武汉大学学报(理学版), 2018, 64(04): 363-370.

10. 袁喜, 黄应平, 郭文韬, 等. 温度和重复运动对中华鲟游泳行为的影响[J]. 水生态学杂志, 2018, 39(01): 63-68.

11. 甘龙, 罗玉红, 李晓玲, 等. Cd胁迫下一年蓬的生长、Cd积累及叶绿素荧光特性[J]. 武汉大学学报(理学版), 2018, 64(01): 70-78.

12. 焦磊, 顾彦, 方艳芬, 等. 不同胶束浓度制备BiOBr及其光催化性能[J]. 武汉大学学报(理学版), 2018, 64(01): 63-69.

13. 陈国华, 袁轶君, 毕永红, 等. 香溪河库湾水体异养细菌及无机磷细菌分布特征. 生态科学,2018, 37 (3): 107-113.

14. 靖锦杰, 黄应平, 袁喜, 等. 基于MATLAB轨迹跟踪研究重金属铜对鲢幼鱼自发游泳行为的影响[J]. 水生生物学报, 2018, 42(01): 148-154.

15. 童标, 刘大翔, 许文年, 等.冻融循环对植被混凝土养分及其固持能力的影响[J].人民长江,2018,49(03):87-92.

16. 张保华, 刘大翔, 许亚坤, . 单根聚丙烯纤维在植被混凝土中的拉拔特性及临界长度研究[J].硅酸盐通报, 2018, 37(09): 2954-2960+2966.





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